Our masterclasses strive to help you to increase sales, reduce costs, lower inventories, improve forecast accuracy and create a source of competitive advantage for you and your supply chain partners.

day 1 - start 9:00 am

Session 1 - The factors that shape inventory policy?

  • Inventory policy and demand characteristics.

  • Inventory types and demand uncertainty.

  • Service measurement and relevant costs.

Session 2 – Three practical tools.

  • The vital few and the trivial many.

  • Critical and Important.

  • Variability problems.

Session 3 – Principles of Inventory Management

  • The “Push” and “Pull” of inventory.

  • Controlling inventory – some examples.

  • Classic Management Options – ROP, PRM, Min-Max.

Day 2 - Start 9:00am

Session 4 – Supply Chain Simulation

  • Hands-on activity - develop the best supply chain.

Session 5 – Supply Chain Simulation debriefing

  • Review and discuss the outcome of the simulation.

Session 6 – The Financial Impact

  • How improved inventory performance improves company performance.

  • Case study and exercise - The financial impact of inventory on a major company.

  • Learn how improved inventory performance improves Liquidity, Operating and Investment Ratios.



Why you should attend?

Inventory is one of the most substantial assets in many organisations. However, despite this, significant opportunities for cost reduction and revenue growth remain untapped. The modern customer wants to choose from a wide variety of products, but they also expect to be able to pick the product off the shelf... now!

The drive to reduce inventories creates conflict within individual organisations and across the supply chain.

This program will provide you with tangible resources and knowledge that will help you to exploit these opportunities and reduce inventory levels without sacrificing customer service.

On completion of the workshop you will be equipped to make a practical difference to your organisation.

WHat is included?

Delegates will share in a range of presentations, case studies and practical exercises. The workshop also includes hands-on activities to develop an efficient and effective supply chain.

On completion of the workshop you will walk away with:

  • The skills and resources to make a practical difference to your organisation.

  • A post workshop step-by-step Implementation Plan so you can immediately apply the techniques and strategies learned in your business setting.

  • A free post workshop half-day session with Tom Rafferty to provide organisation-specific advice and review the progress of your Implementation Plan

Fees include all resources, morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea on both days. Within one week of the workshop, each delegate will receive a Workshop Implementation Plan to enable application of the main techniques covered in the workshop. Additionally, each organisation represented will also receive a free half-day follow-up appointment to help review progress on the implementation plan.

Buy Tickets Online Now

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Masterclass Facilitator 

As Director of STO Group P/L, Tom Rafferty has gained a reputation as a leading independent logistician in Australia and is recognised as one of the country’s most prominent minds within the industry. Since founding STO Group P/L in January 2000, Tom has applied his proven theoretical knowledge and operational experience to a number of high profile organisations.

Tom has lectured at USQ (Business Logistics, Supply Chain Management) and Griffith University (International Business), has served as an expert witness and published over one hundred and thirty articles. Tom contributed two book chapters (Inventory Management and Forecasting) to Supply Chain Management: A Procurement Perspective.

Combining operational experience in supply chain strategy, inventory management, transport and distribution management, purchasing, production management, customer service, forecasting and marketing, Tom Rafferty has the knowledge and experience to enable you to operate your business more efficiently and cost effectively. 


Want to come along to one of our masterclasses to increase sales, reduce costs, lower inventories, improve forecast accuracy and create a source of competitive advantage for you and your supply chain partners? Fill in the expression of interest below and we will notify you of upcoming dates.

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